knitted circle

Knitting Circles

What is it about a circle that makes it mesmerizing?

knitted circle

Is it because it is in absolute symmetry? For sure, the circle is the first, the simplest and most perfect form. 

Is it because it evokes feelings of peace and calm? Think of mandalas, and how meditating with one in front can help.  

Is it because it represents a safe place? Phrases like circle of life, family circle and a circle of friends come to mind. These circles to many living beings are a place where they feel secure, included, may not be judged and are able to give and take strong support and encouragement. 

Is it because it means strength? A sphere technically is strongest 3d shape, where stress is distributed equally instead of being concentrated at any one point.

Or is it because it is extremely dramatic? You may not observe regular square and rectangular windows, but for sure a circular one will catch your eye and never leave your memory. 

A circle often will make the best statement for many architectural spaces. It enforces symmetry by its geometry, bringing order to the chaos in the space around it. A room may have many complementary and unrelated aspects to it, but a circular rug will hold it all together visually.  The table may be of any shape, but a circular centrepiece will give it a sense of balance. 

What feelings do the humble circle evoke in you? Let’s chat!

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