
Vision 2022

As per the dictionary, vision means the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom, and as per numerology, 2022 is a year of balance, faith, success, manifesting miracles, and new opportunities. Today’s blog post is all about my Vision 2022. 

Something not quite so right

There have been very few important decisions of my life that were objective and considered, and I can count them on my fingers of one hand. Choosing to study and practice architecture and then urban planning, marrying Mr. G, having two kids, accepting counselling and starting This Knitting Bee – 5 major decisions. Barring those, almost all were taken by life itself and I blindly followed.

Going with the flow has some serious repercussions. Though it may seem like I am happy with whatever goes, that is so NOT the case. Sometimes I was unhappy with where life was leading me, and sometimes I was dissatisfied with what life was offering me.

It was time to develop clear, conscious and focussed goals, on the basis of what I wanted for myself. For me. For my life. And yet I didn’t how to go about it. I kept mulling over it, but wasn’t able to envision those goals coherently.

Power of Visualisation

Eventually I came upon an Instagram post by Sarah Sham of Essajees Atelier, who talked about the Power of Visualisation, and showed her visualisation board, sometime in August 2021. She showed what she visualised, and how exactly it manifested in reality. I was intrigued, and started reading more about this concept.

And I had such a d’oh moment! Though it was not called a vision board, architects use the same concept to explain how projects have been envisioned to the clients. They show every single detail from design to materials to construction to décor with such boards. I mean, I was a pro at this stuff! And yet, I forgot about this small yet powerful tool. Sarah then shared her vision for 2022 over her stories, and this triggered me into beginning 2022 with.

I have to admit, two years ago I would have called this hocus-pocus or new-age mumbo-jumbo. I didn’t bother with ideas like ‘putting positive vibes out there’ or ‘practicing gratitude’. But now I see the value of it. What gave? Chaotic aimless living, which led to constant discontentment, which spilled over to the more valuable facets of my life like my family.

Vision 2022

I ended up making a vision board for all parts of who I am – as a healthy human, as a helpful family member, as an enterprising entrepreneur.

A peek into what my vision for 2022 looks like.

To be honest, I was a bit skeptical about sharing this personal information to everyone, but then I really can’t believe anyone would wish anything bad to happen to me. And also, this would hold me accountable in some way, to progressively work towards my goals rather than let the board languish behind some random printed papers.

Successfully selling 100% of my drops

Work on summer and winter drops, and successfully sell 100%
(Photo credit –

The first goal I have is to be able to sell everything I make. Now though this seems challenging, it pushes me into considering what sells when.

You know, instead of… making what I like whenever I like, and hoping it will sell.

This goal requires some smart planning, not indulging in random purchases each time and actively considering each season’s requirements.

Delving into architecture

Delve into architecture, using my knitting skills
(Photo credit –

I was recently given a glimpse of what could happen if I were to delve into architecture with my knitting and crochet skills. This was something that fell into my lap, thanks to some super amazing seniors from college, and the excitement of it didn’t let me sleep a couple of nights. However things didn’t pan out. The surprising thing is that I wasn’t upset, I was far more thrilled about a new avenue opening up.

And so, the second vision I have is for me to be able to work with architects and interior designers, once again.

The image above shows Petra Vonk’s acoustic curtains knitted from thick strips of woolen felt. This is exactly the kind of things I would love to do. Sending this wish out to this big wide world!

Sharing what I know

Learning how to knit was easy. But knowing how to get out of sticky spots like dropped stitches, wonky tension and weaving in ends was so so so difficult. And there was no way to get out of said spots without help from other experienced knitters.

And so now that I know a little bit more, I feel inclined to share. Which I did on social media sites. But then, at one point, there were well-wishers who suggested that nobody really had time to go through all that and I’d better spend my time just knitting, which had me second-guessing myself.

What changed the status quo, was two followers, who rigorously went through all my posts. They asked why I had stopped, and frankly I had no sensible answer. A decision was taken that I would post what I knew, even if it benefitted one person. And that’s a goal for 2022. To share something at least once a week, on my blog and social media sites.

These are the three major visions I have for This Knitting Bee. Another somewhat big vision is what I hope to achieve in terms of financial goals. It seems achievable, so will slowly work towards that as well.

Financial Goals: Buy Smart, Sell Better

So yep. That’s my 2022 vision board. It is placed exactly in front of my Moleskine 2022 planner, so I see it almost all the time. My goals are small, but I will work towards them. Probably also check in quarterly to see how I am faring, and then reassess.

Visualisation boards are easy to make. They don’t need a lot of graphics, but yes, I mean, a good looking board does help. There are many websites that talk about how to go about making one. So do you think you’re up for making one for this year? It’s still January, let’s do this!

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