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Knitting with Mohair

So much has happened since the last post. A family-sized blanket got knitted, coasters got crocheted and a couple of tiny knits for a tiny person got made. I also began knitting with Mohair, and was fairly excited about doing so. But now, honestly, I have mixed feelings about this fibre. Read on to know why! What is Mohair? Mohair is the yarn we get from Angora goats, and is one of the world’s oldest known and used fibres. The etymology of both words – Angora and Mohair – is quite interesting. Angora comes from the name of the place the fleece-bearing goats were raised – Angora, which is today’s Ankara. They originally come from Tibet, but were introduced to […]

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The New Normal, with details on a Loopy Braided Throw

A brief update on whats going on in life, and whole lot of details on a loopy braided throw! _______________________________________________________________________________________ It was a chaotic February, to say the least. We stepped into yet another ‘new normal’, a situation where kids started going to the ‘real actual’ school thrice a week. This will soon change, ushering in yet another new normal where they will go all five days. What this means for me is recuperation from the nightmare the last two years have been. The house gets a chance to get and stay clean for a while. I get some peaceful me-time to protect my sanity and a continuous stretch of uninterrupted working hours. Which brings us to me knitting this […]

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Omicron Introspection, and Silk Linen Yarn Review

A brief introspection on our Omicron contraction, and my experience with silk linen blended yarn from Yarnkart, Bengaluru. Covid-19 Omicron Update So, three of us in my family contracted Omicron, and what a rough ride that was. We all showed different symptoms, and it took us a day and a test to realise we had Covid-19, and not food poisoning nor acidity nor flu nor migraine. It was particularly hard watching kids suffer, and as parents we really felt helpless. The pediatrician asked us not to panic, since we would recover in a week and home quarantine was good enough. Easier said than done, of course. What really bothered us was the headache. It was relentless and nauseating, and we […]

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Vision 2022

As per the dictionary, vision means the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom, and as per numerology, 2022 is a year of balance, faith, success, manifesting miracles, and new opportunities. Today’s blog post is all about my Vision 2022.  Something not quite so right There have been very few important decisions of my life that were objective and considered, and I can count them on my fingers of one hand. Choosing to study and practice architecture and then urban planning, marrying Mr. G, having two kids, accepting counselling and starting This Knitting Bee – 5 major decisions. Barring those, almost all were taken by life itself and I blindly followed. Going with the flow has […]

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