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Vision 2022

As per the dictionary, vision means the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom, and as per numerology, 2022 is a year of balance, faith, success, manifesting miracles, and new opportunities. Today’s blog post is all about my Vision 2022.  Something not quite so right There have been very few important decisions of my life that were objective and considered, and I can count them on my fingers of one hand. Choosing to study and practice architecture and then urban planning, marrying Mr. G, having two kids, accepting counselling and starting This Knitting Bee – 5 major decisions. Barring those, almost all were taken by life itself and I blindly followed. Going with the flow has […]

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Down memory lane.

In what was a bleak year, December 2021 was a month full of good things. The events in my life helped me to take a tiny trip down memory lane, and I was also able to work on my structured yet fluid vision for 2022. A new website The first good thing of course was setting up my very own brand-new website. Though this may sound cliched, I don’t think I ever thought I would have one in my life. I believe this stems from the same train of thought that runs along the lines of ‘I never thought I would have a hand knit business!’ or ‘I never thought I would give up on architecture!’ or ‘I never thought […]

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