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Omicron Introspection, and Silk Linen Yarn Review

A brief introspection on our Omicron contraction, and my experience with silk linen blended yarn from Yarnkart, Bengaluru. Covid-19 Omicron Update So, three of us in my family contracted Omicron, and what a rough ride that was. We all showed different symptoms, and it took us a day and a test to realise we had Covid-19, and not food poisoning nor acidity nor flu nor migraine. It was particularly hard watching kids suffer, and as parents we really felt helpless. The pediatrician asked us not to panic, since we would recover in a week and home quarantine was good enough. Easier said than done, of course. What really bothered us was the headache. It was relentless and nauseating, and we […]

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Knitting for Beginners: Start Small, But Start

There is no denying that handmade products, when well-made, look so scrumptious, that you just want to make them yourself. So, here is the story for Knitting for Beginners. When I was a newbie knitter, I would see SO MANY jumpers and shawls and blankets that looked gorgeous, and would tempt me into making them. I would excitedly go to the local yarn store to spend HOURS hunting for the right yarn, consider and reconsider the materials and cost, visualize how my project would look like. Then I would think if the needles I had would work or I had to buy more. Finally, I would walk out of the store thinking what a great time was to be had […]

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White square box with words #fridayfunda and knitting lifelines


A lifeline is a line to which a drowning or falling victim may cling to, instead of facing imminent death. In knitting, a lifeline is a piece of yarn or thread that runs through each and every stitch of one row. It’s a proper case of prevention being better than unravelling the entire project, in case of a massive goof-up. Because stitches are live while working on a knitted piece, especially lace or brioche, there is ALWAYS a possibility of stitches getting dropped or me misreading the pattern or due to genuine confusion. The worst errors have occurred when I have been trying to fix previous errors, and then I fall into a spiral of doom and despair, and have […]

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