Using Scrap Yarn to Make Party Favors

Usually, I know how much yarn is required for my projects, and buy accordingly, but it is very very very rare for me to be able to use up 100% of the yarn dedicated for the project. 

This happens because I err on the side of caution, and my definition of ‘buying accordingly’ is to buy a little bit more. Why you may ask? Because though a pattern requires X amount of yarn, I need some for the swatch, some as backup for accidents, and also for the big possibility that the yarn may be discontinued forever. Which is very very normal…cue eyeroll. My idea of a knitting nightmare is to not have a little bit more yarn, when I am 98% done with any project. 

This leads to a lot and a lot of scrap yarn: yarn that can’t be used for an entire project, because there isn’t enough of it. And because there are so many different types of yarn materials in the scrap pile, there would be a tiny problem of using them all up at once to make a larger project. 

scrap yarn

But something has to be done!

And so. I crocheted tiny baskets as party favours for my kids’ combined birthday party! You can see they are all varied in colour and materials but worked super well to hold a @goki wooden animal and a small note thanking the little ones for joining in. 

party favor baskets made from scrap yarn

As a side story, the photo on the thank you note has grown with us. When G and I were getting married, we sent out invitations to our friends with only two birds on that branch. As we added to our family, I put in two little birds to continue our story. I have a thing about adding my kids’ significant others and their kids in about 25 years time from now 😛 

family tree of birds

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